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Monday, June 06, 2005

Chinese Ed Vs. Stupid Ed

I called Mr. Director of Sales (DOS) to make it known to him that I have sent in a request form (a procedure to prolong getting the money out of the company), and would like him to approve as soon as he can. I’ve already done the ground work which means I’ve researched the best deal, and that Mr. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has verbally approved. My Ms. Manager always said, “You’ve got to make sure that things get done. And that means if they take a long time to approve, we’ve got to chase them for it.”

So Mr. DOS said, “Ok. Just leave me a memo that Mr. CFO has approved. And if he can sign it, that would be better.”

So that’s what I did. I trudge my, then, happy self to Mr. CFO’s room and explained the situation.

Mr. CFO was not pleased that I wanted his magic signature. Why? BECAUSE IT’S NOT IN THE FREAKIN’ PROCEDURE!

Eventhough I explained that this was for Mr. DOS’s records, and that he ASKED me to GET HIS SIGNATURE if possible, he REFUSED to sign.

Now let me explain Mr. CFO’s character. He is a typical Chinese educated Chinaman character that happens to be a typical Chinese educated Chinaman accountant stereotype = ANAL RETENTIVE. He can’t pronounce his ‘R’s, and his jokes are ONLY funny if he makes a fool out of himself while telling the joke.

So, back to the scenario. I patiently explained in simple English that Mr.DOS wants his signature for his own records. Mr. CFO looks at me and repeats that this is NOT the PROCEDURE. And I tried another simple way of explaining that Mr. DOS just wants to know if Mr. CFO approves, and all he needs to do is put his tiny initials on the simple piece of paper. Mr. CFO gets all huffed-and-puffed about the whole thing that he raises his puny little voice, tells me that this is NOT the PROCEDURE, calls his slave boy (a.k.a Mr.Wannabe CFO) in and tells HIM that this is NOT the PROCEDURE.

But he signed it anyways.

My not-so-happy-self trudged out. Confused, angry and frustrated, I surrendered the form over to Mr. Wannabe CFO (a.k.a slave boy) and wrote an email to Mr. DOS explaining the situation.

I learned one valuable lesson though. If taking orders is going to overlap and affect the procedure…don’t follow the orders. BECAUSE IT’S NOT IN THE FREAKIN’ PROCEDURE!