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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

F1 Here we Come!

I still have the ringing sound in my ears. The ear plugs were thick and foamy. Unfortunately, it wasn't thick enough to cut out the roaring noise of the engines and the screetching noise of the F1 race car tires.

Last weekend was a blast. The Husband and I went to Sepang to catch the once a year event live at the race tracks. We were blessed by receiving Rm1000 tickets and shaded parking.

People from around the world flocked to the main entrance to enter into the realm of a "high-flying" life. T-shirts (that can be found at F.O.S or Chee Cheong Kai for quarter of the price) worth RM150 onwards can be seen hanging all over the "Official Merchandize" booths. Beer costs RM16 and Soft Drinks costs RM5.

All in all, the "high-flying" life costs are not worth it. But the experience of watching fast and loud cars whizz by you...well, it was an experience.

The first round was the most exciting of all. The adrenaline of the crowd was pumping as fast as the pistons in those cars.


*crowd screams and waves at the first car whizzing by*


*crowd screams and waves at the second, third, fourth and fifth car whizzing by"

*Silence* .


*crowd jeers at the last car whizzing by*

After three rounds, I started to read a book.

At the end of the day. We were tired, but we're glad we took this opportunity to go on a free date!

Next time, I'll try and get tickets to a fashion runway. I'm sure the Husband would appreciate the sight and sounds of this human race track.

Anyone out there knows how to get us in (prefably with backstage passes)?

Thursday, March 09, 2006

If only dogs had eyebrows

As I come out of my door to enter the main house, I spy Athena, my German Shepherd puppy eyeing me from the corner of her usual spot. From where she rests, she can get a good view of the human traffic flow in and out of the house.

I stopped in the middle of my path to greet her, she looks at me, pauses and gets up. It's as if she was waiting to see whether I'll continue walking to the house or wait for her to run over for a morning pat on the head.

In this whole process, Athena's eyes never leave me. There's so many changes of expression in her eyes from the minute she sees me to when I greet her.

If only dogs had eyebrows, the expressions would be easier to interpret.